Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's A Love/Hate Relationship

The one I have with people. There are so many wonderful things about a lot of people that make me love them. Especially when it comes to those of the blogging sort. Because they are wonderful. Supportive. Understanding. And just amazingly lovely in general. And then there are the people with whom I work. The best educators, friends, people in general that you'll ever hope to meet. Then there are, of course, a few family members that are truly worth a spot on the 'People I Love' list. Also on that list is my BFFs- one from high school, one from college, one from parenthood and my brother and my dad and my aunt... There are those who try to make a positive difference in the world for all. The ones who expose those who would cause us harm; those who reach out to the ill-mentally and physically; those who seek and promote world peace at the expense of their own lives...

I am so appreciative of this group. These are the people who lift us up when we are down or, in some situations, will just sit there with us until we're ready to get up. They are the ones who know us well and love us anyway. They are the ones who understand our moods and will listen and know that it's just a mood and not to take things personally. They are the ones who tell us, "Yes you can" when we say we cannot. They even seem to know just when to pick up the phone and call or stick a hand written note in the mail. They stay in touch and they truly care. They are sincere and honest. They are the ones who help us when we don't even know we need help. They are the ones who step out of their comfort zone and to become world changers. They are the ones who make a difference whether it's effect is obvious or not; they do it just because it's the right thing to do. They do it without expectation of return. They do it because they care and because they love. There just aren't enough words to tell how wonderful these folks are.

But then, as with pretty much everything, there's the other side. Those people who lie to us. Those people who gossip behind our backs. Those who make promises without an inkling of keeping them. Those who are racist and prejudiced and just horrid in so many ways. Those who mistreat children, the elderly and animals...

It seems that no manner of positivity sent out, no amount of prayers, no amount of pleading can stop these people. They are intent on causing suffering to others. They seem to take pleasure and joy out of the suffering of other living creatures. These are unhappy people. These are people who lash out and believe that violence is a way to solve problems. Problems which are nothing more than wanting their way AND wanting others to do things this way as well. It's their way or the highway mentality. They take from others and they demonize others. The demean. They dehumanize. And they take full advantage. Some hold powerful positions and others hold anything but powerful positions. These people never seem to change and, it seems, that the numbers of them who are stopped, are quite low. Perhaps this is due to great amounts of the almighty dollar that is available to them which speaks loudly and gets results or perhaps it's our blind acceptance of a pattern that has become a comfort zone regardless of how horrid the acts are or perhaps we're just too lazy. 

Especially when it doesn't seem to affect us directly. But, seriously, everything that happens on a world level DOES affect each of us directly and personally. And I believe that when these travesties happen to other, weaker humans/animals, that too, should affect us personally at the very least.

No matter the level of the offense, we should care. We should care a lot. And we should do something to stop it.

No, I don't have the answers. I do know that what very little that is being done now has not made much of a difference. People are still abusing kids, animals and the elderly. People are still declaring war and others are supporting it by buying from companies that manufacture products used for the sole purpose of destroying human life. People are still murdering and raping. Genocide is still a fact of life and so is slavery- racial, sexual... The poisoning of our food continues to spread to the delight of the chemical giants' and pharmaceutical companies pocketbooks--not to mention the medical profession. It's a freaking zoo out there. And I'm opposed to those (zoos) too!

As I said, I do not have the answers. But I'm searching. And my search is internal as well as outwardly observational. There has to be a stopping point. A point where we can more about peace that we spend money on it than we do on defense. How did we advance in all our technologies and make no improvements or advance one bit in our communication skills? HOW did THAT happen? When did we get so busy that we can't see what the big corporations are doing to our health and well-being? When did we let the mistreatment of living things older and smaller than ourselves get so out of hand that we can't stop it?

Is it because we continue to live with and otherwise associate with abusers/liars/back-stabbers/racists/prejudiced/etc assholes on a more local, personal level to the point that we believe those people to be the accepted norm? Surely not.

Perhaps we just need to get fed up. And the sooner, the better.

Ok, your turn. Spew forth some wisdom, y'all!


  1. Good post. I agree with you, top to bottom, but have no answers either. I know that I don't keep those I can no longer trust in my life. I don't let anyone steal my joy anymore. It isn't worth the energy it takes to deal with evil in my life. Again, no answers other than to live my life and treat others as I want to be treated. I try.

    1. I know what you mean. I have eliminated as many of those joy stealers as I can and I'm working on the others. Trust is always an issue. Once it's gone, it's gone and I'm done. Unfortunately, it's difficult to eliminate all of those people since I live in the same house with one. On a larger scale, I keep searching for an answer. I keep feeling like "you can solve the world's problems" is not an answer.

  2. I always wish there was some kind of answer. I think sometimes that life gives us these challenging people to show us what we would never want to be. To see the outcome of the choices they made.
    When I was young and one of my BFF we would talk about things our MIL had done, and we just called Mother-in-law training. I think she is one of the best MIL's around and I call to mind things done to me and it helps to temper my tongue.
    Now people who hurt children, that is a category that I show no mercy. Nothing makes me madder faster than that. All great things to ponder.

    1. I'm more concerned with the ones on a larger scale. I can deal with those who live close but, on the large scale, I keep searching and searching. I just can't accept that I can't rid the world of all the bad/evil/mean people. There has to be a way. And I have ideas about what I'd like to see done to them. LOL

  3. I always tell my son, to treat people like you want to be treated. However, there is always people who are going to lie, gossip, backtalk etc. There are times when one has to walk away..and that is hard when it is family (rolling eyes). I don't know what to say..I pretty much agree with your post, and your comments. I just know, personally..I have to walk away from people..not turn the other cheek. It is not good for my mental health to stay friends with unhealthy people.

  4. I agree. Walking away and ending relationships just has to happen sometimes. But I can't figure out what to do on the larger scale.

  5. You did tell us this blog was about rants. Good venting here.
    I don't think many would disagree about the larger scale of bad people. Probably a few bad people would even agree. Too many people don't notice their own faults.
    You did point one important tool for helping society - communication. Two way communication should always be tried. Time outs would help too. Maybe we could put Russia in a time out.
    I want to end on a positive note. I believe the majority of people worldwide are good. If it was the other way I believe our species would be extinct by now. Also, one on one most everyone can find common interest and common ground.
    Good luck.

    1. bill- Thanks. I like to believe that we are, most of us, good. But some of these people need to stop. Stop the madness! LOL

  6. Great post! I wish everyone would just live by the golden rule...treat others as you would want to be treated. It's a scary world out there at times and I sometimes worry what kind of world will be left for my grand kids someday...should I have any. ;) Wish I had an answer...if you find one...I'll stand behind you one hundred percent. =) Blessings, Valerie

    1. It would help. But I don't see it. I mean, I HOPE some of these people don't want to be treated the way they treat others. Sheesh. :) thanks!

  7. I totally agree with you, especially on the big corporations that are burning the Earth underneath us in the name of the almighty dollar. I guess there are no easy answers because it's not an easy problem, I just go back to human nature being evil, and some people are a heck of a lot more evil than others. Until people wake up and realize that what happens in China, Russia, Iran, Israel, Africa affects all of us, I'm afraid things won't change, but I love your ranting!! :)

    1. It's all in the name of the almighty dollar and, when it isn't, it's in the name of someone's religion. I agree that folks need to wake up and become aware. And fast! Thanks, girl!


Welcome, friends! Please spew forth some wisdom for me. I'm quite certain I need it!